Género/Genre: Hardcore País/Country: North Bay, USA
Tracklist: 1. Kersed 2. It's Going To Be A Cold Winter 3. This Is My War 4. You're All The Same 5. Troubled Waters 6. Throwing Bricks 7. I Want To Put This To An End
Género/Genre: Hardcore País/Country: North Bay, USA
Tracklist: 1. Dead Moon California (Midnight In Solitude) 2. The Difference Between Looking And Seeing 3. Eraser Making Its Way Its Only Job 4. He – God – Has Favored Our Undertakings 5. A Blight On Mental Health 6. Plutocratic Swine Rake 7. Vagrant 8. Twenty Four Hour Fever Watch 9. Entropy: No Meaning Is Also An Answer 10. Carrying Flowers 11. In Facile 12. Overcast 13. Birth. Conspire. Be. Upset 14. Uneven Pavement 15. Fading Sounds Of Your Life 16. Learn/Without
Género/Genre: Crossover, Thrash País/Country: California, USA
Tracklist: 01. Hella Sick 02. It's A Rager 03. Defcon V 04. Fuck The World Amazing 05. Death Machine 06. Ragenomics 07. I Drove To Seattle And All I Got Was A 3 Seconds Handjob
Género/Genre: Crossover, Thrash País/Country: California, USA
Tracklist: 1. March Of The Pcds 2. Pc Death Squad 3. Fuck Yourself 4. One Signature Away 5. Spg 6. The Lurk 7. An Open Letter 8. Army 9. Full Circle 10. Metal Thrashin Mad
1 Courage and a Brick 2 Flag of Defeat 3 By God 4 When Every Move Is Anticipated 5 From Sandbox to Laboratory 6 All Towers Must Fall 7 Self and Other 8 I, Fail
Género/Genre: Grindcore País/Country: Birmingham, UK
Tracklist: 01. Multinational Corporations 02. Instinct of Survival 03. The Kill 04. Scum 05. Caught...in a Dream 06. Polluted Minds 07. Sacrificed 08. Siege of Power 09. Control 10. Born On Your Knees 11. Human Garbage 12. You Suffer 13. Life? 14. Prison Without Walls 15. Point of No Return 16. Negative Approach 17. Success? 18. Deceiver 19. C.S. 20. Parasites 21. Pseudo Youth 22. Divine Death 23. As the Machine Rolls On 24. Common Enemy 25. Moral Crusade 26. Stigmatized 27. M.A.D. 28. Dragnet Descargar/Download
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal/Punk País/Country: USA
1. Day Nineteen - Fucking Viva 2. Day Twenty Eight - Targets 3. Day Twenty-Six - Angles Anonymous In Transit 4. Day Twenty-Nine - Reincarnation Of Lost Lones 5. Day Twenty-Five - Guignol Serene 6. Day Twenty - Flesh and Below 7. Day Twenty-Four - Gutterbomb Heaven On The Grid 8. Day Twenty Three - Invertopia / Day Thirty - Class Warmth 9. Day Twenty One - Roam / Day Twenty Two - Absent Civilians 10. Day Thirty-One - Mission Convincers
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal/Punk País/country: USA
1. Day thirteen the protest hour 2. Day fourteen pulse mavens 3. Day fifteen citizenihilist 4. Day sixteen the iconflict 5. Day seventeen wafers and wine of sandblast times
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal/Punk País/Country: USA
1. Day One: Insomniawesome 2. Day Two: They Followed The Scent Of Jihad All The Way To The Thieves Paradise 3. Day Three: Instant Circulation 4. Day Four: Collapse And Marathon 5. Day Five: Garlic Breakfast 6. Day Six: ~censored~ed As Punk 7. Day Seven: Digital Dogs With Analog Collars 8. Day Eight: Destructioneer Extraordinaire 9. Day Nine: Hollow Factory 10. Day Ten: Swine Into Silk 11. Day Eleven: Threatnurse 12. Day Twelve: All Hands On The Medic
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal, Straight Edge País/Country: New York
Tracklist: 01. End Begins 02. Filthy Hands To Famished Mouth 03. Breed The Killers 04. Wither 05. Ultramilitance 06. Into The Fray 07. One Against All 08. Drug Related Homicide 09. Overseers 10. Death Rate Solution 11. Unvanquished 12. Ecocide Descargar/Download
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Crust, Powerviolence País/Country: Lyon, Francia
Tracklist: 01 Aigrir... 02 La Sangre De Cristo 03 Schema Retreci 04 Riquet 05 Viva La Dereliccion 06 Pescado 07 Coche Bomba 08 Space Control 09 Pas Question! 10 Elected
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Punk, Powerviolence País/Country: Washington, USA
Tracklist: 01 - Dragged Out Of Bed 02 - Zombie Attack 03 - World Up My Ass 04 - Chicks Got The Bug 05 - Small Town Lockdown 06 - Fix Me 07 - Get Me The President 08 - Teenage Labotomy
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Powerviolence País/Country: California, USA
Tracklist: 01. Never Back Down 02. Unintended 03. Obstructed View 04. Not Deserved 05. Remember Us 06. Two Parts... 07. Nan Desuka 08. Dedicated 09. Conscience 10. Mentor 11. Deprived 12. Forgotten Youth 13. Another Step 14. Empty Words 15. Deceit 16. Glutton 17. No Values 18. What's Right 19. American Psycho
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Powerviolence País/Country: California, USA
Tracklist: 01.behind bars 02.suicidal 03.whats wrong 04.you hate you 05.homeless 06.alone once again 07.lost it 08.looking blindly 09.force fed 10.no solution 11.my life 12.wasted effort 13.one trust 14.brainwashed 15.impeached 16.tough guy 17.empty pockets 18.social inquality 19.stop hate unite 20.whats up 21.escape reality 22.i know 23.nothing 24.disciplined
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1. Living To Die 2. Southbound 3. Itchin' To Bleed 4. Sunshine 5. On The Table 6. From Bliss To Devastation 7. Downtime Misery 8. Pretty Hate 9. Without You 10. Overrun 11. Done In 12. Regurgitate 13. Walking The Line
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1. Choke 2. Adelaide 3. Watch Out 4. 7/13 5. For The Bleeders 6. No Regret 7. Formula For Failure 8. Beneath The Green 9. Take Them Out 10. In The Room Descargar/Download
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 01 What You Are 02 12 Steps To Nothing 03 Landslide 04 By The River 05 Imprint 06 Colorblind 07 Rebirth of Tragedy 08 Locust of The Dead Earth 09 In You 10 Clone 11. Jada Bloom
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1. Coagulate 2. Cadence 3. The Beat 4. Believe,Revolt 5. Ten A.M. 6. First Word 7. New Kata 8. Synthesis Of Classic Forms 9. Aperture 10. Exile Etiquette 11. Interrogation 12. Litmus Test 13. ID Hindsight
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1. Believe/Revolt (Relocation Blueprint) 2. Dress Rehearsal 3. Blacktop 4. Skeptic 5. Ten A.M. (Good Morning, Mr. Coelacanth) 6. New Academy 7. Mountain Song 8. Depth Of Field 9. Freedom Of Choice 10. Gates Of Steel 11. Makeshift Tourniquet 12. Exile Etiquette (Only British People Can Fly)
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1. Target 2. Disconnector 3. Bleeding Orange 4. Typecast Modulator 5. Are You Turned In 6. Twentieth Nervous Breakdown 7. Energy Dome 8. Ambition Now 9. Break The Static 10. Blemish 11. Box Seat
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Punk, Old School País/Country: Oregon, USA
Tracklist: 1 - Shades Of Brown 2 - Winter Of 92' 3 - Someone's Behind You Again 4 - This Land 5 - Thanks For Giving Me What I Didn't Want 6 - Greenwash 7 - Slow, Stupid And Hungry 8 - Hail Satan 9 - Borrowed Time 10 - Squat Dogs 11 - Welfare Line 12 - Spare Change 13 - Real Food, Real People, Real Bullets 14 - Long Time Gone 15 - Last Train To Castro
Género/Genre: Crossover, Thrash País/Country: California, USA
Tracklist: 01-Circus Of Fools 02-Aggravated 03-Last Laugh 04-Overcome 05-Deteriorate 06-See Through You 07-Just Went Black 08-Drift 09-Altered Visions 10-Addiction 11-One Last Thought
Género/Genre: Hardcore, Punk, Old School País/Country: New York, USA
Tracklist: 1-Don't Need It 2-At the Atlantis 3-Pay to Cum 4-Supertouch/Shitfit 5-Regulator 6-You're A Migraine 7-Don't Bother Me 8-Banned in D.C. 9-Why'd You Have to Go? 10-The Man Won't Annoy Ya 11-Redbone in the City 12-Black Dots 13-How Low Can a Punk Get? 14-Just Another Damn Song 15-Attitude 16-Send You No Flowers
Tracklist: 01. I 02. At The Movies 03. The Regulator 04. Right Brigade 05. I Against I 06. I and I Survive 07. House Of Suffering 08. Re-Ignition 09. Sacred Love 10. She's Calling You 11. Coptic Times 12. F.V.K. (Fearless Vampire Killers) 13. Secret 77
Tracklist: 1. Fuck on the Beach 2. Don't Call Out 3. Spook 4. Ought to Regret 5. Where Do You Work? 6. Hate Tell a Lie 7. No Jealousy 8. Tammy Fuck Off 9. Never No Skin Fuck 10. I Cannot Stop Fall in Love 11. Whose Partner Are You? 12. Call Back Again 13. Suddenly Insert 14. STD 15. Failing 16. Throat or Die 17. Today Is Start 18. What's the Truth 19. Loco Girl 20. Fuck on the Beach Descargar/Download
Género/Genre: Hardcore País/Country: Cleveland, USA
Tracklist: 01. Creepout (JAP) - Vocal Test 02. On Our Own (FL) - Judgment Day 03. Force Of Change (CA) - Seven Sermones Ad Mortuos 04. Incarnate (NETH) - Tempest 05. Rise And Fall (BEL) - Kingdom of Heaven 06. Know The Score (FL) - Bringing It Back 07. xEye Of Judgementx (NETH) - Armenian Persecution 08. Die Young (TX) - ATF Assault 09. Human Demise (NETH) - Psychological Warfare 10. Damien Done (FL) - Eighteen 11. Nothing Sacred (PA) - Sarin 12. Your Mistake (TX) - Grace Of The Unholy 13. Crowd Deterrent (OH) - No One 14. Daymares (POL) - Darkness 15. Alcatraz (CA) - Hollow 16. Dance Floor Justice (FL) - Systems Overload 17. Lie And Wait (TX) - Abraxas Annihilation 18. On Thin Ice (UK) - The Screams 19. The Phantom Pains (TX) - No Time For Sudden Glances 20. These Days (CA) - Micha: Those Who Fear Tomorrow 21. Evil Priest (NZ) - Jagged Visions Of My Destiny