
Excel - [1987] Split Image

Género/Genre: Crossover, Thrash
País/Country: USA

01 Your Life, My Life
02 Insecurity
03 Split Image
04 Never Look Away
05 Wreck Your World
06 Social Security
07 Set Yourself Apart
08 The Joke's On You
09 Looking For You
10 Spare The Pain



M.O.D. - [1987] U.S.A. For M.O.D.

Género/Genre: Crossover, Thrash
País/Country: USA

1. Aren’t You Hungry
2. Get A Real Job
3. I Executioner
4. Don’t Feed The Bears
5. Ballad Of Dio
6. Thrash Or Be Thrashed
7. Let Me Out
8. Bubble Butt
9. You’re Beat
10. Bushwackateas
11. Man Of Your Dreams
12. That Noise
13. Dead Men - Most - Captain Crunch
14. Jim Gordon
15. Imported Society
16. Spandex Enormity
17. Short But Sweet
18. Parents
19. Confusion - You’re X’ed
20. A.I.D.S
21. Ruptured Nuptuals
22. Ode To Harry
23. Hate Tank


Attitude Adjusment - [1985] Dead Serious (Demo)

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Thrash, Crossover
País/Country: San Francisco, USA

1 - Dead Serious
2 - Bombs
3 - Kristallnacht
4 - Grey World
5 - Electric Shock
6 - American Paranoia
7 - 9 To 5 Religion
8 - In The Center
9 - In The Center
10 - Incredible End


Until The End - [2000] Until The End

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Metal
País/Country: Florida, USA

01 - finger on the trigger
02 - judas
03 -_if thoughts could kill
04 - running in circles
05 - as friends fall



Set It Straight - [2006] Live Your Heart And Never Follow

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Straight Edge
País/Country: California, USA

01. live your
02. callouses

03. hourglass

04. self

05. oblivious

06. young

07. reclamation

08. percent

09. ground

10. meltdown

11. strikes and

12. injustice

13. so many


Set It Straight - [2005] My Favorite Words

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Straight Edge
País/Country: California, USA

1. Intro
2. For You For Me
3. Conversation
4. Sort It Out
5. Never Give In
6. My Favorite Words
7. Too Much Hatred
8. That's What I Said
9. Playing Dead


Born From Pain - [2008] Survival

País/Country: Limburg, Países Bajos
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal

01. Sound Of Survival
02. State Of Mind
03. Sons Of A Dying World
04. The Wolves Are Loose
05. Never Die
06. Final Collapse
07. Endgame
08. Zeitgeist
09. The Hydra
10. Zero Hour
11. Under False Flag


Straight To Your Face - [2008] From The Underground We Shall Rise

Pais/Country: Elsinore, Dinamarca
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal


01. Once Again
02. Come And Get It
03. Stand Off
04. Sell Out
05. Nights Like These
06. Review This
07. Seize The Day
08. Rock Star Attitude
09. What You See Is What You Get
10. My Life, My Way
11. Years Of Violence
12. From The Underground We Shall Rise


Straight To Your Face - [2007] My Beliefs

País/Country: Elsinore, Dinamarca
Género/Genre: Hardcore/Metal

01. My Beliefs
02. Youth Of Today
03. It's Time Again
04. For You I Will Die



E.D.O. - [1996] Esperando La Redencion

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

1.¿Cuanto tiempo más?
2.Mientras dure este odio
3.Esperando la redención
4.Corazones de piedra
6.A tu lado
8.Mirame a la cara
9.Así vas a morir
10.Seguir sin rumbo
11.No más ídolos
14.Spit on your grave


Migra Violenta - [2003] Superficial

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Crust
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

01.Tu Nunca Controlaras
02.Una Nacion
03.DIY Or Die
04.De Este Lado Del Mundo
05.Un Camino
06.Que Entre La Juventud
07.Fuera De Control
08.You Promise Not
09.El Futuro Esta Lejos
10.In My Days
11.Estupida Actitud
12.Mata a Tus Idolos
13.Los Marginados
14.Destruccion Capitalista


Migra Violenta - [2005] Holocausto Capitalista

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Crust
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

01.- Que hay detras
02.- La vida es el dolor
03.- Tu me llamas extraño
04.- Cuanto vale tu dignidad
05.- Guerra al consumo
06.- Guerra sobre guerra
07.- Detras del arco iris
08.- Inspiracion
09.- Real change
10.- Religiones dan morte
11.- The game
12.- New world order
13.- Odio al capital
14.- Under this skin
15.- Quien hace los moldes
16.- No hay opcion
17.- Estupida obsesion
18.- Detestando al estado



E.D.O. - [1994] Un Paso Al Frente

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

01. Sin piedad
02. Distintas caras
03. Un paso al frente (hatecore)
04. Extrema sensacion
05. Identidad
06. El fracaso
07. La mas honda depresion
08. Ready to fight
09. Nunca te arrepientas
10. Orgullo
11. Nuevas fuerzas
12. No cargare tu cruz
13. Tu enemigo
14. Buscando ser voz
15. Crimen a tu libertad
16. Aprendiendo a odiar
17. Guerra suicida
18.Para creer
19. Crimen a tu libertad
20. Esquirla
21.Vestigios de un comienzo
22. Verte caer
23. Religion



720º - [2004] La Esencia No Se Pierde

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

1.Hardcore Sigue Vivo
2.Vos Elegis

3.Abre Tus Ojos

4.Quien Nos Representa

5.Una Vez Mas

6.Protesta En Las Calles

7.Sistema Decadente
8.Se Cae El Imperio

9.Peleando Por Mas

10.No Te Dejes Caer


720º - [1999] Fuerza Para Luchar

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

01. Pelea Por Tu Ideal
02. Falsas Emociones
03. Tu Falsedad
04. Fuerza Para Luchar
05. Tiempo Atrás
06. No Voy A Trabajar
07. Mis Amigos
08. Radio 720
09. Nuestra Extinción
10. Nadie Es Superior
11. Bonus Track


Most Precious Blood - [2005] Merciless

País/Country: Brooklyn, New York/USA

1.Shark Ethic
2.Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves
3.Driving Angry
4.Damage Control Freak
5.Mad As the March Hare
6.Type A Personality
7.Oxygen debt
8.Aimed carefully, fired relentlessly
9.Diet For a New America
10.Curse Of the Immortal
11.World War You
12.Narcoleptic Skeepwalker
13.Temporary Solution To a Permanent Problem



Cro-Mags - [2000] Before The Quarrel

País/Country: New York/USA
Genero/Genre: Hardcore/Crossover


1. World Peace
2. By Myself
3. Show You No Mercy
4. Malfunction
5. Hard Times
6. Sign Of The Times
7. Don't Tread On Me
8. Face The Facts
9. It's The Limit
10. Life Of My Own
11. Survival Of The Streets
12. Everybodys Gonna Die
13. Dub


Cro-Mags - [1992] Alpha-Omega

País/Country: New York, USA
Genero/Genre: Hardcore/Crossover

1. See the Signs
2. Eyes of Tomorrow
3. The Other Side of Madness (Revenge)
4. Apocalypse Now
5. The Paths of Perfection
6. Victims
7. Kuruksetra
8. Changes


Septic Death - [1987] Now That I Have the Attention, What Do I Do with It?

Género/Genre: Punk, Hardcore, Thrash
País/Country: Boice Idaho, USA

01 - Burial
02 - Disinfect
03 - Forest of the Megalomanic
04 - Quit
05 - Dream Silent
06 - Child
07 - Terrorain
08 - Thaw
09 - Poison Mask
10 - Hardware
11 - Silence
12 - The Evolution Garden
13 - Unprotected Games
14 - Change
15 - Demon
16 - Control
17 - Sweat of a Nightmare
18 - Negative Threat
19 - Never Trust
20 - Mental Cancer
21 - Fear
22 - Advantage
23 - Gore Story


Ripcord - [1988] Harvest Hardcore 7''

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Old School
País/Country: England

01 - Collision of vision
02 - Subconcious thoughts
03 - Boiling point
04 - Starvation
05 - Subliminal decay
06 - Can't you see
07 - Poetic justice


Discharge - [2002] Self Titled

Género/Genre: Punk
País/Country: United Kingdom (UK)

01. You Deserve Me
02. Almost Alive
03. Corpse of Decadence
04. Trust 'em
05. M.A.D.
06. Accessories By Molotov
07. Into Darkness
08. Hype Overload
09. You
10. What Do I Get
11. Hell Is War
12. Accessories By Molotov (Remix)
13. Corpse of Decadence (Remix)


S.O.B. - [2003] Gate Of Doom

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Thrash, Grindcore
País/Country: Japan

01 G.O.D.
02 Delusions of Terror
03 Trapped in Cancer
04 Human Error
05 Mind Empty of Happiness
06 Downfall of Civilization
07 Ultimate End of Earth
08 Invisible Shadows
09 Inner Hypocricy
10 Death's Inevitable ~ G.O.D.



Bold - [2005] The Search 1985-1989

Género/Genre: Hardcore, Youth Crew
País/Country: New York , USA

  1. Running Like Thieves
  2. You're The Friend I Don't Need
  3. Always Try
  4. Looking Back
  5. Hateful
  6. Speak Out
  7. Today We Live
  8. Wise Up
  9. Having My Say
  10. Talk Is Cheap
  11. Nailed To The X
  12. Now Or Never
  13. Always Try
  14. Clear
  15. Intro
  16. Change Within
  17. Accept The Blame
  18. Wise Up
  19. Still Strong
  20. Search
  21. Strength Through Hope
  22. Talk Is Cheap
  23. Always Try
  24. Walk Tall, Walk Straight
  25. Positive Scene
  26. Can't You See
  27. Not Just Talk
  28. Respect
  29. Choice
  30. Stand Together
  31. K-town Mosh Crew
  32. United We Stand

B.O.D. - [1992] Pura Adrenalina

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Buenos Aires, Argentina

01 - Creer sin ver
02 - Amistad
03 - No mas
04 - Gente falsa
05 - Diferentes actitudes juveniles
06 - Discordia
07 - A punto de estallar


Pollution - [2004] Rompiendo El Silencio

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Tenerife, España

01 - Rompiendo el Silencio
02 - Cuestión de Pensar
03 - Un Cambio
04 - Actitud Critica
05 - La Elección
06 - Siempre Recordare
07 - Sin Escapatoria
08 - Te Encontraré
09 - Guerra de Mentiras
10 - Evolución


Hardlife ! - [2003] Iniciando El Cambio

Género/Genre: Hardcore
País/Country: Córdoba, Argentina

1 - Te Estupidizan
2 - Vida Dura
3 - Pueblo Tristeza
4 - La Prision
5 - Amor y Dolor
6 - No Te Entregues
7 - Sistema de Control

The Accüsed - [1986] The Return Of... Martha Splatterhead

Género/Genre: Crossover
País/Country: Washington, USA

01 Matha Splatterhead
02 Wrong Side Of The Grave
03 Take My Time
04 Distractions
05 Buried Alive
06 Show No Mercy
07 Slow Death
08 Autopsy
09 She´s A Killer
10 In A Death Bed
11 Lonely Place
12 ...4 Bucks
13 Martha´s Revenge


The Accüsed - [2005] Oh Martha!

Género/Genre: Crossover
País/Country: Washington, USA

1.Martha Will
2.Fueled By Hate
4.Fast Zombies Rule
5.Dying On The Vine
6.Hooker Fortified Pork Products
7.Life Kills On
8.National Embalming School
9.Filth Hounds Of Hades
10.Stay Dead
11.Scream And Die
12.Of The Body
13.13 Letters
14.Have You Never Been Mellow?


Broken Bones - [1986] F.O.A.D. (Fuck Of And Die)

Género/Genre: Punk
País/Country: Inglaterra

1. F.O.A.D.
2. Kick Down the Doors
3. Teenage Kamikaze
4. Programme Control
5. S.O.T.O.
6. Missing Link
7. Best of Both Worlds
8. Never Say Die [Live]
9. Decapitated 1 + 2 [Live]
10. Problem [Live]
11. Secret Agent [Live]
12. Liquidated Brains [Live]
13. Gotta Get Outta Here [Live]
14. I.O.U. Nothing [Live]
15. Seeing Through My Eyes [Live]
16. Annihilation 3 [Live]


Broken Bones - [1985] See Through My Eyes

Género/Genre: Punk
País/Country: Inglaterra

01 see through my eyes
02 the point of agony
03 decapitated pt2
04 its like ...
05 death is inminent



Temperance - [1995] Temperance

Genero/Genre: Hardcore / Punk / Metal
Pais/Country: Rhode Island , United States

01 - what must be
02 - do you remember
03 - ashley
04 - haunted
05 - last words to heaven

password: moshfromhell.blogspot.com

Temperance - [1994] Searching for Silence

Genero/Genre: Hardcore / Punk / Metal
Pais/Country: Rhode Island , United States

01 - last words to heaven
02 - haunted
03 - retrieve
04 - drifting away
05 - follow
06 - search
07 - shifting tides
08 - this fire

password: moshfromhell.blogspot.com

Biohazard - [2001] Tales From The B-Side

Genero/Genre: Hardcore, Rap
Pais/Country: New York , USA

01 - Three Point Back
02 - Falling
03 - Sumptin' To Prove (Demo Version)
04 - Slam (Remix)
05 - Beaten
06 - How It Is (Remix)
07 - Sadman
08 - Enslaved
09 - Judgement Night
10 - Inhale
11 - Piece Of Mind
12 - Shades Of Grey (Demo Version)
13 - Punishment (Demo Version)

Beyond Possession - [1985] Tell Tale Heart

Genero/Genre: Hardcore, Crossover
Pais/Country: Canada

01 Tell Tale Heart
02 Whats the Matter
03 Skaters Life
04 No Religion
05 Vengeance


Beyond Possession - [1986] Is This Beyond Possession

Genero/Genre: Hardcore, Crossover
Pais/Country: Canada

1. Never Nothing New
2. Life Force
3. Dying Fast
4. Living To Tell You About It
5. Last Will And Testament
6. You're So Important
7. Final Daze
8. Why? It's Youth
9. Beyond Possession
10. Creeping Eruption
11. Hard Times
12. Attitude Problem
13. Depression
14. Cinderella Syndrome
15. I'll Never Rest In Peace



Sore Throat - [1987] Death To Capitalist Hardcore

Genero/Genre: Hardcore
Pais/Country: United Kingdom , UK

01. Intro (Rapist Die)
02. War System
03. D.T.C.H.C.
04. Sacrilege (To The Scene)
05. Vac Head
06. Pesticide Death
07. Process Of Elimination
08. Trenchfoot
09. S.S.A. Pt. II
10. Satan's Radish
11. Fungacidal Tendencies
12. R.O.T.
13. Only the Dead
14. Bomb The Whitehouse
15. Enviromental Suicide
16. Broken Brains & D.Y.W.R. (2 tracks here)
17. Devoid Of Compassion
18. Go Home
19. Attack Of The English Gumby Punks
20. D.F.W.H.
21. Wehr-crap
22. Intestinal Skipping Rope
23. Bloody Hardcore
24. Virus
25. Dissapearing Mark
26. No Room To Talk
27. Wictim Of A Stage Dive
28. I.C.I. Fuck Off And Die
29. Thrash Against Fascism
30. Backflip Splat
31. Yo Barman
32. Social Genocide
33. D.R.I. E.M.I.
34. Born Again Christian
35. Utterly Tuneless
36. M.F.N. (Money For Nobheads)
37. Lynch The Cops
38. Scream Bloody Trout
39. Life
40. Join The army
41. The Ballad Of Billy Milano


Raw Power - [1989] Mine To Kill

Genero/Genre: Hardcore, Crossover
Pais/Country: Italia

01 - You Want More
02 - Wasteland
03 - Make Or Break
04 - What Was The Last Thing
05 - Buried Alive
06 - A Certain Kind Of Killer
07 - Mine To Kill
08 - Revenge
09 - Animals Wearing Uniforms
10 - The White Man's Invasion

pass: moshfromhell.blogspot.com

Ludichrist - [1986] Immaculate Deception

Genero/Genre: Hardcore, Crossover, Thrash
Pais/Country: USA

01 - Fire At The Firehouse
02 - Most People Are Dicks
03 - Murder Bloody Murder
04 - Blown Into The Arms Of Christ
05 - Big Business
06 - Only As Directed
07 - Games Once Played
08 - Green Eggs And Ham
09 - Immaculate Deception
10 - You Can't Have Fun
11 - Government Kids
12 - Legal Murder
13 - Down With The Ship
14 - Thinking Of You
15 - Tylenol
16 - Mengele
17 - Young White And Well Behaved
18 - Last Train To Clarksville
19 - God Is Everywhere

pass: moshfromhell.blogspot.com