País/Country: Brooklyn, New York/USA
Genero/Genre: Hardcore/Metal
1.Shark Ethic
2.Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves
3.Driving Angry
4.Damage Control Freak
5.Mad As the March Hare
6.Type A Personality
7.Oxygen debt
8.Aimed carefully, fired relentlessly
9.Diet For a New America
10.Curse Of the Immortal
11.World War You
12.Narcoleptic Skeepwalker
13.Temporary Solution To a Permanent Problem
Pass: moshfromhell.blogspot.com
Genero/Genre: Hardcore/Metal
1.Shark Ethic
2.Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves
3.Driving Angry
4.Damage Control Freak
5.Mad As the March Hare
6.Type A Personality
7.Oxygen debt
8.Aimed carefully, fired relentlessly
9.Diet For a New America
10.Curse Of the Immortal
11.World War You
12.Narcoleptic Skeepwalker
13.Temporary Solution To a Permanent Problem
Pass: moshfromhell.blogspot.com